Bugatti 100P building Second stage: Fuselage building With the wing almost finished, it’s time to move on to the fuselage. It is composed of 2 internal sides in balsa 30/10 dressed with couples then ramrods and formwork.The sides are reinforced with 15/10 plywood.Bonding of the battery holder.Assembly of the 2 sides by the “battery holder”Pay attention to the alignment. The laser level is very practical to check that everything is straight … Long live the technique. Note: advertising is free: o)Gluing of the first couples. Cutting is tedious … and say : it existe a short kit: o)Side view.Following the establishment of couples … a good thing done: o)Front view.View of the tail with the locations of the rudder and elevator servos. Placed well in the back to be able to center the beast.By the way, I found a small cutter at Cultura. The point turns and it is very practical to cut pronounced curves.The front view from above. There’s room to dress to make it look pretty. A glider I tell you: o)Installation of stringer. Watch out for twisting. It is necessary to wedge the fuselage (weighted square at the bottom) and paste a stringer on the right then its girlfriend on the left before moving on to the next ones.And there you go.The base of the V-tail is made of 2 couples. One in plywood 30/10 and the other in balsa reinforced with plywood 15/10. The first 2 ribs are used to support the leading and trailing edges.It is enough to raise all that in the air while taking care with the symmetry. Pages: 1 2 3